WP Entrepreneurship Live Coaching Class


Discover What You Need To Know About Setting Up And Running A Wordpress Website Like A PRO…

For Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Small Business Teams & Non-Profits.

Make Your Wordpress Site Finally Work For You / Client The Way You Wanted When You Wanted.

This Course is Thought LivePlease Check If The New Student Registration For The Next Class Is Open (download FREE PDF and you will be on the list).



NOTE: This Course is Thought LivePlease Check If The New Student Registration For The Next Class Is Open (download FREE PDF and you will be on the list). You can sign up for notifications on upcoming classes. If you do not want to be in the live training you can purchase the master course with all the bonuses except the weekly live coaching calls & bonus lessons.

About the Course

I’m going to give you a true no nonsense, complete blueprint literally anybody – no matter the experience or skill level – can understand and use to build a WordPress site within no time.

This is as close to a “total-beginner-proof” system you’ll ever find.

All you have to do is push play, then watch & do what I do. And I’m going to give you the best time saving shortcuts that you’ll not see anywhere else.

Some WordPress gurus want you to believe it takes time to build a site on your own. But I’m here to tell you it doesn’t take much time at all.

There’s no need to pay these so-called gurus hundreds or thousands of dollars for what you can do yourself. Trust me, you can.

He developed proprietary software for logistics accounting back in 2005 that served several trucking companies and had cash flow-through of $55M. He also has developed many websites and several business solutions for e-commerce (drop-shipping), learning platforms, crowd-funding solutions and more…

About the Live Coaching Class

Now you can have access to this ENTIRE Mastery Course Of Easy To Follow, “Do-This-Then-Do-That” Step-By-Step videos today…

These extremely revealing videos cover everything you’ll need to build your own WordPress site (or your client’s site) immediately after you’re done watching.

The most comprehensive WordPress course on the planet. Complementary bonuses will be added as well. The weekly live calls will address all your questions and the bonus lessons will be recorded sessions addressing issues you mostly struggle with (accessible in the members area).

It can make you a real WordPress PRO so you can build websites with confidence and make a nice income with your new skills.

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS’s on the internet and it is here to stay so mastering it you cannot go wrong. I have worked with clients who have paid their WordPress website upwards to $60K (yes, sixty grand).

Don’t pay high fees to get your website done. Do it yourself, do it for your friends and family and do it for clients to make that extra money.

Be prepared to do some work (I will push you) and signup now to lock in the price before it goes up as the demand for this training is increasing.

Did you know that only in the US there are 600,000 new businesses opened every month? Guess what they ALL need. Yes, a WEBSITE! Here are some stats what the most important asset for getting client is a website:


As you see above, from old data from 2016 WordPress has been dominating with the largest market share now in 2019 (22M+).

You get lifetime access to this course so you can always come back and watch any (updated) module again to refresh your knowledge.

Weekly live Q & A is included in DWY (done with you) package as well as access to a private Facebook group for additional support.

Submitting a positive 30-60 second course review you will get $100 cash back (subject to format and quality).

NOTE: This Course is Thought LivePlease Check If The New Student Registration For The Next Class Is Open (download FREE PDF and you will be on the list).

MY NEVER SEEN BEFORE GUARANTEE: If you have paid a full price to be in my live class and if you go through the entire program and you still struggle to build your site, I will be building your site with you live (via skype or zoom conference) until we finish it. Exclamation Point!

Sample videos:

[embed width="400"]https://player.vimeo.com/video/348252120?autoplay=0&title=0&byline=0&wmode=transparent&autopause=0[/embed]
[embed width="400"]https://player.vimeo.com/video/348255226?autoplay=0&title=0&byline=0&wmode=transparent&autopause=0[/embed]
[embed width="400"]https://player.vimeo.com/video/348256036?autoplay=0&title=0&byline=0&wmode=transparent&autopause=0[/embed]
[embed width="400"]https://player.vimeo.com/video/348257082?autoplay=0&title=0&byline=0&wmode=transparent&autopause=0[/embed]

Here are the modules included:

Module 1 WPM01-WordPress Primer
Unit 1 1.1 WordPress History 2:31
Unit 2 1.2 WordPress.com vs WordPress.org 4:20
Unit 3 1.3.1 What’s New In WP Version 5.3 5:33
Unit 4 1.3.2 Whats New in 5.4 Non-Block Editor Stuff 4:56
Unit 5 1.3.3 What's New in 5.4 Block Editor Stuff 4:51
Unit 6 1.3.4 What's New in 5.4 Blocks Stuff 9:27
Unit 7 1.4 Installing WordPress Manually With cPanel 7:19
Unit 8 1.5 Installing WordPress Manually With FTP 7:57
Unit 9 1.6 Installing WordPress Automatically With cPanel 6:48
Unit 10 1.7 WP Dashboard tour 5:23
Unit 11 1.8 WordPress Cleanup After Install 6:54
Unit 12 1.9 Revisions and Auto Saves 8:37
Unit 13 1.10 Settings General 3:55
Unit 14 1.11 Settings Writing 6:15
Unit 15 1.12 Settings Reading 4:52
Unit 16 1.13 Settings Discussion 6:35
Unit 17 1.14 Settings Media 2:05
Unit 18 1.15 Settings Permalinks 3:56
Unit 19 1.16 Settings-3rd Party Settings 1:37
Unit 20 1.17 Change Site Login Details Using Site Database 3:37
Unit 21 1.18 Gravatars 4:59
Unit 22 1.19 Admin Tool Section 3:38
Unit 23 1.20 RSS & How To Use It 6:09
Unit 24 1.21 Blog Setup – Pages Part 1 4:18
Unit 25 1.22 Blog Setup – Pages Part 2 5:05
Unit 26 1.23 Blog Setup – Comments 4:59
Unit 27 1.24 Blog Setup – Lead Generation 5:48
Unit 28 1.25 Blog Setup – Autoresponder Connection 5:54
Module 2 WPM02-WordPress Security
Unit 1 2.1 Backups 8:10
Unit 2 2.2 Security Begins At Home 2:41
Unit 3 2.3 Secure Install 5:05
Unit 4 2.4 Remove User ID 1 & Why 5:14
Unit 5 2.5 Blocking Hackers From Seeing Admin Usernames 5:04
Unit 6 2.6 Hiding Usernames 7:08
Unit 7 2.7 Change DB Prefix After Install-Method 1 5:51
Unit 8 2.8 Change DB Prefix After Install-Method 2 4:57
Unit 9 2.9 Replace The Salt 2:33
Unit 10 2.10 Securing Your wp-config.php File 2:52
Unit 11 2.11 Secure Hosting Services 4:02
Unit 12 2.12 Customizing The Login Error Messages 2:53
Unit 13 2.13 Prevent Brute Force Attacks Method 1 4:14
Unit 14 2.14 Prevent Brute Force Attacks Method 2 4:00
Unit 15 2.15 Prevent Brute Force Attacks Method 3 5:41
Unit 16 2.16 Removing The WordPress Version Numbers 4:03
Unit 17 2.17 Allowing Others To Work On Your Site 5:42
Unit 18 2.18 Has Your Site Been Hacked 3:01
Unit 19 2.19 Hacked Site Cleanup 3:34
Unit 20 2.20 What To Do After Hacked Site Cleanup 2:30
Module 3 WPM03-Content Creation
Unit 1 3.1 Pages vs Posts 3:33
Unit 2 3.2 Categories 4:31
Unit 3 3.3 Tags 3:43
Unit 4 3.4 Post Manager 4:42
Unit 5 3.5 Post Formats 2:31
Unit 6 3.6 Page Manager 2:50
Unit 7 3.7 The Visual Editor 4:42
Unit 8 3.8 Creating Pages & Posts 7:28
Unit 9 3.9 The Media Library 6:09
Unit 10 3.10 The Visual Editor – Hyperlinks 3:27
Unit 11 3.11 The Visual Editor – Create Playlists 3:45
Unit 12 3.12 WordPress Plugins 7:19
Unit 13 3.13 Custom Menus 5:28
Unit 14 3.14 Managing Widgets 7:30
Unit 15 3.15 Managing Themes 4:31
Unit 16 3.16 WordPress Editor – New vs Old (Gutenberg vs Classic) 2:44
Unit 17 3.17 A Closer Look At Gutenberg 4:48
Unit 18 3.18 How Gutenberg Affects Current Content 4:55
Unit 19 3.19 How To Disable Gutenberg 5:44
Unit 20 3.20 More Tools & Options 7:08
Module 4 WPM04-Localhosting your WordPress site
Unit 1 4.1 Local vs Online 2:54
Unit 2 4.2 Why I Chose XAMPP 3:32
Unit 3 4.3 Installing Free ServerPress 8:27
Unit 4 4.4 Uninstalling Free ServerPress 4:12
Unit 5 4.5 Installing XAMPP 3:33
Unit 6 4.6 Start XAMPP As Admin 3:27
Unit 7 4.7 Install WordPress With Bitnami (not the best method) 6:27
Unit 8 4.8 Install WordPress Without Bitnami (the best method) 6:59
Unit 9 4.9 Quick & Simple Backups 3:44
Unit 10 4.10 Moving Live WordPress Site To Local 7:42
Unit 11 4.11 Troubleshooting-Can Not Login On Local After Move 2:57
Unit 12 4.12 Move Local WordPress Site To Live 10:46
Unit 13 4.13 Troubleshooting-Increase Max Size Of File Uploads 2:42
Unit 14 4.14 Troubleshooting-General Issues 3:57
Unit 15 4.15 Troubleshooting – Fixing Windows Firewall Blocking Install Error 1:08
Unit 16 4.16 Troubleshooting – Fixing Port Conflicts pt 1 (Why) 2:52
Unit 17 4.17 Troubleshooting – Fixing Port Conflicts pt 2 (How) 4:49
Unit 18 4.18 Troubleshooting – Fixing Port Conflicts pt 3 (Fix WordPress After Port Change) 6:59
Unit 19 4.19 Troubleshooting – XAMPP Control Panel Red X’s 2:37
Unit 20 4.20 Configure XAMPP Console 2:56
Module 5 WPM05-WordPress Page Speed
Unit 1 5.1 Why The Need For Speed 3:19
Unit 2 5.2 Hosting For Speed 5:02
Unit 3 5.3 Speed Testing Tools Introduction 3:00
Unit 4 5.4 GTMetrix 7:33
Unit 5 5.5 Pingdom 3:37
Unit 6 5.6 Page Speed Insights 4:34
Unit 7 5.7 Website Pulse 3:38
Unit 8 5.8 WebPagetest 5:38
Unit 9 5.9 Image Optimization Part 1 3:53
Unit 10 5.10 Image Optimization Part 2 7:23
Unit 11 5.11 Web Caching Introduction 3:41
Unit 12 5.12 Web Caching Plugin Install & Setup 8:02
Unit 13 5.13 Leverage Browser Cache 2:35
Unit 14 5.14 Serve Scaled Images 2:49
Unit 15 5.15 GZip 3:51
Unit 16 5.16 Minify and Concatenate 5:19
Unit 17 5.17 Render Blocking Error Fix 7:24
Module 6 WPM06-WordPress SEO
Unit 1 6.1 What Is SEO 3:55
Unit 2 6.2 Keywords 7:41
Unit 3 6.3 LSI-Latent Semantic Indexing 3:42
Unit 4 6.4 SEO Plugin For WordPress 4:07
Unit 5 6.5 Display & User Role Settings 6:52
Unit 6 6.6 Configuration Wizard Walk through 5:02
Unit 7 6.7 General-Dashboard 2:34
Unit 8 6.8 General-Features 4:35
Unit 9 6.9 General-Webmaster Tools 2:18
Unit 10 6.10 Search Appearance-General 3:09
Unit 11 6.11 Search Appearance-Content Types 4:39
Unit 12 6.12 Search Appearance-Media 3:37
Unit 13 6.13 Search Appearance-Taxonomies 3:44
Unit 14 6.14 Search Appearance-Archives 2:48
Unit 15 6.15 Search Appearance-Breadcrumbs 4:53
Unit 16 6.16 Search Appearance-RSS 2:53
Unit 17 6.17 Search Console 4:25
Unit 18 6.18 Social 3:51
Unit 19 6.19 Tools 5:28
Unit 20 6.20 HTML Sitemaps 4:51
Unit 21 6.21 Submitting Sitemap To Google 4:57
Unit 22 6.22 On Page-Post Module 9:13
Module 7 WPM07-Theme Customization
Unit 1 7.1 How To Create A Child Theme 4:49
Unit 2 7.2 Before We Customize 3:49
Unit 3 7.3 Personal Greeting Shortcode 3:22
Unit 4 7.4 Flex Date Shortcode 5:45
Unit 5 7.5 Remove URL Underline 4:54
Unit 6 7.6 Remove Incorrect Login Shake 1:39
Unit 7 7.7 Rebrand Admin Bar WP Logo 2:46
Unit 8 7.8 Remove Top White Space 1:33
Unit 9 7.9 Adjust Gap Between Posts On Homepage 1:55
Unit 10 7.10 Add Border Below Header 2:19
Unit 11 7.11 Customize Site Description 2:16
Unit 12 7.12 Customize Site Title 2:17
Unit 13 7.13 Random Admin Announcement 4:47
Unit 14 7.14 Add Drop-Down Menu To Admin Bar 3:59
Module 8 WPM08-WordPress Forum setup
Unit 1 8.1 What Is A Forum 3:04
Unit 2 8.2 Different Forum Applications 5:10
Unit 3 8.3 Install bbPress 3:34
Unit 4 8.4 Convert Other Forums Into bbPress 5:51
Unit 5 8.5 Forum Structure 3:32
Unit 6 8.6 Create Forums 5:54
Unit 7 8.7 Creating Categories 4:55
Unit 8 8.8 Customize Category Display 3:25
Unit 9 8.9 Creating Sticky Topics 4:03
Unit 10 8.10. Creating A Registration Page 5:52
Unit 11 8.11 Customizing Search Boxes 5:52
Unit 12 8.12 Create Password Reset Page 2:29
Unit 13 8.13 Forum Spam Prevention 5:58
Module 9 WPM09-WordPress Plugins
Unit 1 9.1 What Is A Plugin 2:22
Unit 2 9.2 Choosing The Best Plugin 5:33
Unit 3 9.3 Plugin Tester 5:46
Unit 4 9.4 Plugin Structure 4:15
Unit 5 9.5 Contact Us Page 5:42
Unit 6 9.6 Secure Video Player 5:16
Unit 7 9.7 TinyMCE Advanced 4:36
Unit 8 9.8 Visual Editor For Widgets 5:11
Unit 9 9.9 Widget Options 4:56
Unit 10 9.10 Grid Shortcode 3:49
Unit 11 9.11 Notification Bars 5:29
Unit 12 9.12 Free Akismet Alternative 6:42
Unit 13 9.13 WordPress Activity Logs 6:02
Unit 14 9.14 Customize User Roles 8:38
Unit 15 9.15 Plugin Directory Checker 5:12
Unit 16 9.16 Data Exporter-Importer 7:14
Unit 17 9.17 Classic Editor Plugin 4:20
Unit 18 9.18 More & Enhanced Gutenberg Blocks 4:46
Module 10 WPM10-WordPress Multisite
Unit 1 10.1 WP Multisite-What & Why 3:19
Unit 2 10.2 Enable Multisite 4:29
Unit 3 10.3 Activate Multisite 2:15
Unit 4 10.4 1-Click Multisite Install 2:42
Unit 5 10.5 Quick Cleanup 2:59
Unit 6 10.6 Network Admin Tour 4:02
Unit 7 10.7 Create & Manage Sites Part One 4:08
Unit 8 10.8 Create & Manage Sites Part Two 3:00
Unit 9 10.9 Creating Users Part 1 – Auto-Creation By Network 3:58
Unit 10 10.10 Creating Users Part 2 – Manually As Super Admin 5:04
Unit 11 10.11 Creating Users Part 3 – Manually As Site Admin 4:03
Unit 12 10.12 Creating Users Part 4 – Site Visitor Create Own Account 7:57
Unit 13 10.13 Add & Manage Plugins 4:48
Unit 14 10.14 Single Site Registration 5:18
Unit 15 10.15 Add & Manage Themes 2:35
Unit 16 10.16 Updating Networks 2:44
Module 11 WPM11-WordPress eCommerce
Unit 1 11.1 What Is eCommerce 3:30
Unit 2 11.2 Pre-Setup Checklist 3:02
Unit 3 11.3 WooCommerce Install Part 1 4:46
Unit 4 11.4 WooCommerce Install Part 2 (WP Settings & Basic Cleanup) 2:41
Unit 5 11.5 WooCommerce Install Part 3 (Manually Setup Payment Options) 4:37
Unit 6 11.6 WooCommerce Settings-General Tab 3:49
Unit 7 11.7 WooCommerce Settings-Products Tab 8:52
Unit 8 11.8 WooCommerce Settings-Taxes Tab 6:16
Unit 9 11.9 WooCommerce Settings-Tabs (The rest of them – Shipping, Checkout…) 4:51
Unit 10 11.10 WooCommerce Add Demo Content 2:33
Unit 11 11.11 WooCommerce Add Theme 4:19
Unit 12 11.12 WooCommerce Create Dropship Account 4:59
Unit 13 11.13 Connect To Our Store 4:47
Unit 14 11.14 Product Ideas 3:14
Unit 15 11.15 Master The Mockup 5:52
Unit 16 11.16 Adding A Product To Our eStore 4:33
Unit 17 11.17 Running A Test Purchase (& Buying A Sample) 2:26
Module 12 WPM12-WordPress Traffic Generation
Unit 1 12.1 WordPress Traffic Overview 4:02
Unit 2 12.2 Add Newsletter Signup Form 7:34
Unit 3 12.3 Google Analytics 5:41
Unit 4 12.4 Article Writing 5:05
Unit 5 12.5 Slide Submission Part 1 2:54
Unit 6 12.6 Slide Submission Part 2 6:44
Unit 7 12.7 Video Marketing Part 1 3:53
Unit 8 12.8 Video Marketing Part 2 8:19
Unit 9 12.9 PDF Submission Part 1 2:48
Unit 10 12.10 PDF Submission Part 2 7:12
Unit 11 12.11 Social Media 3:54
Unit 12 12.12 Paid Traffic 2:26
Unit 13 12.13 Guest Blogging Introduction 2:30
Unit 14 12.14 Guest Blogging Part 1-Find The Gig 6:40
Unit 15 12.15 Guest Blogging Part 2-Pre-Contact Prep 4:11
Unit 16 12.16 Guest Blogging Part 3-Contact The Owner 5:16
Unit 17 12.17 Guest Blogging Part 4-Click-through Plan 5:42
Module 13 Module 13 - Wordpress Maintenance
Unit 1 13.1 Course Introduction 1:31
Unit 2 13.2 Full ‘Fool-Proof’ Backup 6:29
Unit 3 13.3 Backup Restore 4:50
Unit 4 13.4 Site Testing Downtime 5:29
Unit 5 13.5 Child Theme 5:59
Unit 6 13.6 Run Site Tests 6:41
Unit 7 13.7 Page Speed Tests 5:15
Unit 8 13.8 Optimize Images 5:11
Unit 9 13.9 Update WordPress Core 4:40
Unit 10 13.10 Update Themes and Plugins 6:38
Unit 11 13.11 Clean Up: Post Revisions 5:13
Unit 12 13.12 Clean Up: Remove Unused Plugins 3:50
Unit 13 13.13 Clean Up: Remove Unused Themes 2:27
Unit 14 13.14 Clean Up: Clear Out Any Spam 5:31
Unit 15 13.15 Malware Site Check 3:00
Unit 16 13.16 Replace The Salts 3:38
Unit 17 13.17 Uptime Monitoring 4:15
Unit 18 13.18 Check For Broken Links 5:44
Unit 19 13.19 Optimize Database 4:04
Unit 20 13.20 Review Any Error Logs 6:11
Module 14 Module 14 - Gutenberg Editor
Unit 1 14.1 Gutenberg Introduction 2:38
Unit 2 14.2 Classic Editor VS Gutenberg 2:47
Unit 3 14.3 Gutenberg Tour 4:31
Unit 4 14.4 Editor Sidebar 4:16
Unit 5 14.5 Tools and Options Feature – View 3:31
Unit 6 14.6 Tools and Options Feature – Editor 2:45
Unit 7 14.7 Tools and Options Feature – Plugins 2:48
Unit 8 14.8 Tools and Options Feature – Tools 4:49
Unit 9 14.9 Tools and Options Feature – Options 3:08
Unit 10 14.10 Create Our First Post – Title 4:04
Unit 11 14.11 Create Our First Post – Block Toolbar 4:48
Unit 12 14.12 Create Our First Post – Block Settings 4:37
Unit 13 14.13 Create Our First Page 4:41
Unit 14 14.14 Common Post Content Using Keyboard Shortcuts 5:10
Unit 15 14.15 Convert Classic Post To Gutenberg 4:30
Unit 16 14.16 Image Easy Add 1:42
Unit 17 14.17 Links Easy Add 1:49
Unit 18 14.18 Create Clickable Table Of Contents Part 1 (aka jump links) 4:47
Unit 19 14.19 Create Clickable Table Of Contents Part 2 (aka jump links) 5:03
Unit 20 14.20 Group Block 6:12
Unit 21 14.21 Columns Block Basics Part 1 3:54
Unit 22 14.22 Columns Block Basics Part 2 2:44
Unit 23 14.23 Columns Block Basics Part 3 2:57
Unit 24 14.24 Columns Block Basics Part 4 4:44
Unit 25 14.25 Columns Block Advanced 4:08
Unit 26 14.26 Cover Block – Basics 4:41
Unit 27 14.27 Cover Block – Advanced 4:40
Unit 28 14.28 Reusable Blocks 6:37
Unit 29 14.29 Reusable Templates 5:03
Unit 30 14.30 Reusable Blocks Management Page 6:51
Unit 31 14.31 Advanced Section Custom CSS Pt1 7:35
Unit 32 14.32 Advanced Section Custom CSS Pt2 6:04
Unit 33 14.33 Advanced Section Custom CSS Pt3 4:12

Additional information

Private Facebook Group

Lifetime group access

Coaching Level

No coaching, Weekly 60 min group call

Weekly Q&A Calls

Recorded Q&A Answers

Flagship Product

This product is one of main products of highest quality

Manuals & Books

Ultimate Wordpress Manual (600+ pages)


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