WPM05-WordPress Page Speed


WordPress Page Speed shows you various methods to speed up your WordPress site and keep it running fast. From your hosting service to things on your site that can be adjusted for peak performance.

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SKU: WPM05-19 Categories: , Tag:


Module 1 WPM05-WordPress Page Speed
Unit 1 5.1 Why The Need For Speed 3:19
Unit 2 5.2 Hosting For Speed 5:02
Unit 3 5.3 Speed Testing Tools Introduction 3:00
Unit 4 5.4 GTMetrix 7:33
Unit 5 5.5 Pingdom 3:37
Unit 6 5.6 Page Speed Insights 4:34
Unit 7 5.7 Website Pulse 3:38
Unit 8 5.8 WebPagetest 5:38
Unit 9 5.9 Image Optimization Part 1 3:53
Unit 10 5.10 Image Optimization Part 2 7:23
Unit 11 5.11 Web Caching Introduction 3:41
Unit 12 5.12 Web Caching Plugin Install & Setup 8:02
Unit 13 5.13 Leverage Browser Cache 2:35
Unit 14 5.14 Serve Scaled Images 2:49
Unit 15 5.15 GZip 3:51
Unit 16 5.16 Minify and Concatenate 5:19
Unit 17 5.17 Render Blocking Error Fix 7:24


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